
Showing posts from January, 2022

Diana RWS 54 12 yards


FX Dreamline Classic 12 yards

  Got a Dreamline Classic, had been wanting one in .22 and recently became available at Pyramyd where get most guns. Gun has great look and feel, smooth cocking. Pyramyd has the best website and great service. Got my Brocock from Airguns of Arizona. AoA is good except their website is messed up. Many of their guns are listed as available and Add To Cart but actually are not available. Makes one wonder how many are listed as not available but are actually in stock there. With the Classic as with all guns trying different pellets, different power sets, with/without suppressor, press down on front of gun (to simulate extra weight), float front of gun (no touch). Have a chronograph but don’t use much, speed of pellet mostly a matter of curiosity to me. Can find the most accurate pellet speed trying different pellets and power settings, doesn’t matter what the speed is at most accurate. Will resume outside 30 yards shooting when the weather gets better.

Brocock Sniper XR Magnum .25 12 yards

  Stuck inside due to winter weather, during good weather shoot outside 30 yards about half the time. Shot my Brocock 8 targets over last 4 days, indoors 12 yards. Today’s shooting, attached two targets, notice how the POI dropped between first group of target 1 and last group of target 2, did not adjust scope. Shot using 0dB suppressor three targets, did two times before. Shot with no suppressor for first time, four targets. So far looks like this gun may be more accurate without the suppressor.